We offer $25.00 off when you buy a Wedding Gown Preservation Kit and have your flowers preserved.
In order to more fully serve our bride's preservation needs, we have partnered with Wedding Gown Preservation Companyfor full service gown preservation. Wedding Gown Preservation Company has been cleaning and preserving gowns for brides since 1913 and offers the highest quality in service and performance at extremely reasonable rates. We provide a prepaid shipping carton in which you place your gown and other items you wish to preserve. A quick call to FedEx and the carton will be picked up at your door. Or you may drop off your gown and we will ship it for you. Wedding Gown Preservation Company will inspect and clean your gown, taking care to remove all stains and residue. In 2-10 weeks you will receive your gown and items shipped directly to your home. Your gown will be arranged in a beautiful display case and carries a full 100 year guarantee against yellowing and damage.
Our price of $190 includes full gown preservation with up to three items
(such as gloves, veil, ring pillow, etc.).
A celebrity line upgrade is available for designer dresses over $500.
SAVE $25.00 when you purchase a floral display.
Everlastings at the Orchard a subsidiary of
Lawrence Orchards
2634 Smeltzer Rd Marion, Ohio 43302 740-389-3019 or 740-389-5867 By Appointment- please call first- flowers@everlastingsohio.com