The Cider House Pavilion has a wonderful old slate chalkboard. Since the opening of our pavilion we have use the chalkboard as a way to welcome our guests. Sometimes we gave the chalk to the hosts of the party and let them do their own decoration.
Recently there is a wonderful trend called chalkboard artthat combines many differentscripts at many different angles and sizes . Of course, we decided to try our hand at Chalkboard Art. The most recent attempts are pictured first, with pictures of our past signs later.
Here are some guestions to answer so that we can do something special on the chalkboard for you.
1. What is your event? Who is being celebrated?
2. Is there a special date? Is there a special scripture or saying that would be appropriate for the event?
Everlastings at the Orchard a subsidiary of
Lawrence Orchards
2634 Smeltzer Rd Marion, Ohio 43302 740-389-3019 or 740-389-5867 By Appointment- please call first-